Welcome to a brand new wellness centre of the Eroplan Hotel****, which will serve both our guests as well as all clients who are interested in our services.
We know that you deserve the best. In our wellness centre they will therefore find a paradise for all the rest.
Of course there is a whirlpool, Finnish sauna and steam sauna, cooling bath, various massages and original cryocabin. We have something for everyone.
Hotel guests will appreciate that they can reach the Wellness Room from the hotel rooms with “feet dry” and can easily combine their stay with comfortable relaxation.
Our wellness centre offers a world-class number of relaxation opportunities to reach harmony of body and soul.
Eroplan - paradise for your relaxing.
Eroplán Hotel**** offers a variety of massages, just choose one and order it at the following telephone number:
+420 571 648 014
Swedish massage
Swedish massage focuses on detoxification by increasing the rate at which cells eliminate waste products from the body. It allows the body to absorb more oxygen and thus regenerate tissues. It induces sense of satisfaction and relief.
Reflex massage
The reflex massage mechanically acts on significantly painful sites of the human body that are accompanied by diseases of internal organs. The therapist uses a set of special techniques and movements, selected according to the patient's condition. This may be a neck massage, back massage, pelvic and special leg massage.
Reflex massage refreshes the body, blood vessels, skin and joints, strengthens the nerves, induces a sense of well-being and health, purity and happiness.
Hot stone massage
The massage can evoke wonderful feelings of relief and relaxation. During this massage you will feel the warmth of real lava stones, which by their vibrations and heat affect the body's energy pathways, have beneficial effects on the mind and perfectly relax stiff muscles.
Head massage
- supports metabolism in the skin
- alleviates fatigue
- tension
- helps to alleviate headaches
- in migraine
- has a positive effect on the nerve endings in the skin and thus the overall nervous system
- improves blood circulation
Chocolate massage
Chocolate massage and body wrap are an exclusive treatment of skin by a chocolate mixture with beneficial effects of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals contained in the cocoa powder and almond oil. Chocolate nourishes your skin, returning it to its flexibility and softness, reduces cellulite and anti-aging. Chocolate massages make your skin soft and delicate after this treatment.
Lymphatic drainage
Gentle manual lymphatic drainage technique helps activate the body's own defence system so that it could handle the stress. Waste from tissues is discharged into the lymphatic vascular system, and then travels to the lymph nodes, where the products of metabolism are disposed of. Manual lymphatic drainage is suitable to strengthen the body and thanks to the positive detoxification effects on our body it also improves the tension of the skin, smoothing of wrinkles and cellulite condition improvement.
Snehan (Indian massage)
It is an Ayurvedic healing technique that releases tension and pain regions. It alternately stretches and relaxes the muscle, respectively its attachment and fibrous part.
- speeds up the detoxification processes
- helps to increase the range of motion of joints
- relaxes the physical and mental stress
- speeds up the metabolism
- improves quality of sleep
Hawaiian LOMI LOMI massage
The principles of the massage consist in the use of special Hawaiian techniques practiced in Hawaii islands for centuries. Very nice relaxing massage with positive effects on blood circulation, skin and mental condition.
Finnish sauna
It is known for its beneficial effects on the human mental state and the regeneration of the entire body, including muscles.
It has good cosmetic and relaxing effects. It is beneficial as a prevention of respiratory diseases, allergies and leads to hardening of the whole body.
- Considerable skin perfusion and subsequent sweating
- Increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, which washe away dirt from the skin
- Increases temperature of the joints, thereby improving mobility
- Improves heart function
- Enhances blood circulation
- Affects the regulation of blood pressure
Steam sauna
Steam sauna has provable significant effects on the human body. It treats a range of physical illnesses and prevents their occurrence. Regular use of steam sauna has beneficial effects on the human body. In addition to the effects on physical health it also helps to eliminate stress and induces a feeling of inner relaxation.
You will appreciate the positive effect of steam on the physical condition and attractive appearance - regular use of steam sauna cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, reduces cellulite and reduces overweight.
Finally, the steam sauna also have beneficial effects on the human mental status, evokes a feeling of relaxation and balance, and removes stress.
Using the steam sauna:
- During relaxation, to relax strained muscles and joints
- Eliminates stress
- Excellent tool for weight reduction and cellulite removal
- Improves blood circulation
- Cleanses the respiratory system
- Helps with skin disorders (eczema, acne)
- Treatment and prevention of asthma
- It heals diseases of the locomotory system and muscle dysfunctions
- Supports treatment of rheumatism
Private finnish sauna
- Privat relaxation – finnish sauna with heated waterbed and shower room.
- In the price you can also rent bathrobes, towels.
- We will aslo prepare carafe with water,
- You can order ice cold bottle of champagne.
In the third time visit, you will get bottle of champagne for free!